If you love seafood and the Australian outdoors, let Paul Cross and Victoria Ramshaw guide you to their favourite seafood hotspots around Australia.
Most fishing books focus exclusively on angling. Catching and Cooking Seafood Around Australia is the only book that shows you how to catch all kinds of Australian seafood – it is not just about fish! It explains how to catch fish by line and spear, and also how to get your own lobsters, crabs, crayfish, abalone, pipis, scallops, mussels and prawns. It will help you plan a great family holiday, an underwater hunting adventure, a feed of fresh crayfish, or a fun night of prawning with the whole family.
Catching and Cooking Seafood Around Australia is a comprehensive guide to our tastiest seafood species. Paul and Victoria provide practical advice about the best fishing and spearfishing methods, locations, baits, and seasons. Fishing restrictions, bag limits and legal sizes are given for all states, and it is full of fabulous photographs that showcase magnificent Australian coastlines and waterways.